from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path import typing from typing import ClassVar, List, Tuple, Union from parsimonious import NodeVisitor # type: ignore from parsimonious.expressions import Compound, OneOf, Optional, Sequence, TokenMatcher, ZeroOrMore # type: ignore from .scanner import scan from .parser import parse_header @dataclass class Type: def size_bytes(self, declarations: List['Declaration']) -> int: raise NotImplementedError('type.size_bytes() on ' + str(type(self)) + ' not implemented') @dataclass class Expression: def type(self, declarations: List['Declaration']) -> Type: raise NotImplementedError('expression.type() on ' + str(type(self)) + ' not implemented') @dataclass class ConstantExpression(Expression): value: str def type(self, _: List['Declaration']) -> Type: if self.value.startswith('"'): return PointerType(ConstType(BasicType('char'))) elif self.value.startswith("'"): return BasicType('char') elif self.value in ['true', 'false']: return BasicType('bool') elif '.' in self.value: return BasicType('float?') # TODO infer size else: return BasicType('int?') # TODO infer size and signedness @dataclass class VariableExpression(Expression): name: str def type(self, declarations: List['Declaration']) -> Type: for decl in declarations: if == if isinstance(decl, VariableDeclaration): return decl.type elif isinstance(decl, VariableDefinition): return decl.type elif isinstance(decl, FunctionDeclaration) or isinstance(decl, FunctionDefinition): return FunctionType(decl.return_type, [arg.type for arg in decl.args]) raise KeyError('unknown variable ' + @dataclass class AddExpression(Expression): term1: Expression term2: Expression @dataclass class SubtractExpression(Expression): term1: Expression term2: Expression @dataclass class MultiplyExpression(Expression): factor1: Expression factor2: Expression @dataclass class StructPointerElementExpression(Expression): base: Expression element: str def type(self, declarations: List['Declaration']) -> Type: base_type = self.base.type(declarations) assert isinstance(base_type, PointerType) assert isinstance(, BasicType) hopefully_struct, struct_name =' ') assert hopefully_struct == 'struct' for decl in declarations: if isinstance(decl, StructDeclaration) and == struct_name: if decl.fields is None: raise KeyError('struct ' + struct_name + ' is opaque') for elem in decl.fields: if == self.element: return elem.type raise KeyError('element ' + self.element + ' not found in struct ' + struct_name) raise KeyError('struct ' + struct_name + ' not found') @dataclass class ArrayIndexExpression(Expression): array: Expression index: Expression @dataclass class FunctionCallExpression(Expression): function: Expression arguments: List[Expression] @dataclass class LogicalNotExpression(Expression): body: Expression @dataclass class NegativeExpression(Expression): body: Expression @dataclass class AddressOfExpression(Expression): body: Expression @dataclass class SizeofExpression(Expression): body: Union[Type, Expression] @dataclass class ComparisonExpression(Expression): value1: Expression op: str value2: Expression @dataclass class BasicType(Type): name: str def size_bytes(self, declarations: List['Declaration']) -> int: if == 'uint8': return 1 elif == 'uintsize': return 8 elif'struct'): _, struct_name =' ') for decl in declarations: if isinstance(decl, StructDeclaration) and == struct_name: if decl.fields is None: raise KeyError('struct ' + struct_name + ' is opaque') return sum(field.type.size_bytes(declarations) for field in decl.fields) raise NotImplementedError('size of ' + str(self) + ' not yet found') @dataclass class ConstType(Type): target: Type @dataclass class PointerType(Type): target: Type def size_bytes(self, declarations: List['Declaration']) -> int: return 8 # TODO figure out 32 bit vs 64 bit @dataclass class ArrayType(Type): contents: Type size: Expression @dataclass class FunctionType(Type): return_type: Type args: List[Type] @dataclass class HeaderFileElement: pass @dataclass class ImplementationFileElement: pass @dataclass class Statement: pass @dataclass class EmptyStatement(Statement): pass @dataclass class FragileStatement(Statement): body: Statement @dataclass class ExpressionStatement(Statement): body: Expression @dataclass class IfStatement(Statement): condition: Expression then: List[Statement] els: typing.Optional[List[Statement]] @dataclass class SwitchStatement(Statement): expression: Expression body: List[Union[typing.Optional[Expression], Statement]] @dataclass class WhileStatement(Statement): condition: Expression body: List[Statement] @dataclass class DoWhileStatement(Statement): condition: Expression body: List[Statement] @dataclass class Declaration: name: str @dataclass class VariableDeclaration(Declaration, HeaderFileElement): """Represents the declaration of a variable.""" type: Type @dataclass class VariableDefinition(Declaration, HeaderFileElement, ImplementationFileElement, Statement): """Represents the definition of a variable.""" type: Type value: Expression @dataclass class AssignmentStatement(Statement): pass @dataclass class ForStatement(Statement): init: List[VariableDefinition] condition: Expression update: List[AssignmentStatement] @dataclass class ContinueStatement(Statement): pass @dataclass class BreakStatement(Statement): pass @dataclass class ReturnStatement(Statement): body: typing.Optional[Expression] @dataclass class DirectAssignment(AssignmentStatement): destination: Expression value: Expression @dataclass class UpdateAssignment(AssignmentStatement): destination: Expression operation: str value: Expression def deconstruct(self) -> DirectAssignment: if self.operation == '+=': return DirectAssignment(self.destination, AddExpression(self.destination, self.value)) elif self.operation == '*=': return DirectAssignment(self.destination, MultiplyExpression(self.destination, self.value)) else: raise NotImplementedError('UpdateAssignment deconstruct with ' + self.operation) @dataclass class CrementAssignment(AssignmentStatement): destination: Expression operation: str @dataclass class StructDeclaration(Declaration, HeaderFileElement, ImplementationFileElement): """Represents the declaration of a struct type.""" fields: typing.Optional[List[VariableDeclaration]] @dataclass class EnumDeclaration(Declaration, HeaderFileElement, ImplementationFileElement): """Represents the declaration of an enum type.""" values: List[Tuple[str, typing.Optional[int]]] @dataclass class UnionDeclaration(Declaration, HeaderFileElement, ImplementationFileElement): """Represents the declaration of a union type.""" tag: typing.Optional[VariableDeclaration] cases: Union[List[VariableDeclaration], List[Tuple[Expression, typing.Optional[VariableDeclaration]]]] @dataclass class FunctionDeclaration(Declaration, HeaderFileElement): """Represents the declaration of a function.""" return_type: Type args: List[VariableDeclaration] @dataclass class FunctionDefinition(Declaration, HeaderFileElement, ImplementationFileElement): """Represents the definition of a function.""" return_type: Type args: List[VariableDeclaration] body: List[Statement] @dataclass class HeaderFile: grammar: ClassVar[str] = "HeaderFile <- IncludeStatement* HeaderFileElement+" includes: List['HeaderFile'] contents: List[HeaderFileElement] def get_declarations(self) -> List[Declaration]: included_declarations = [x.get_declarations() for x in self.includes] own_declarations: List[Declaration] = [x for x in self.contents if isinstance(x, Declaration)] all_declarations = included_declarations + [own_declarations] return [x for l in all_declarations for x in l] @dataclass class ImplementationFile: includes: List[HeaderFile] contents: List[ImplementationFileElement] def get_declarations(self) -> List[Declaration]: included_declarations = [x.get_declarations() for x in self.includes] own_declarations: List[Declaration] = [x for x in self.contents if isinstance(x, Declaration)] all_declarations = included_declarations + [own_declarations] return [x for l in all_declarations for x in l] # noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyUnusedLocal class ASTBuilder(NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, include_folders): self.include_folders = include_folders def visit_HeaderFile(self, node, visited_children) -> HeaderFile: includes, elements = visited_children return HeaderFile(includes, elements) def visit_ImplementationFile(self, node, visited_children) -> ImplementationFile: includes, elements = visited_children return ImplementationFile(includes, elements) def visit_IncludeStatement(self, node, visited_children) -> HeaderFile: include, included_header, semicolon = visited_children assert include.type == 'include' assert included_header.type == 'string_literal' included_header ='"') assert semicolon.type == ';' for include_folder in self.include_folders: header = Path(include_folder) / included_header if header.exists(): with open(header, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as header_file: header_text = header_parse_tree = parse_header(scan(header_text)) return self.visit(header_parse_tree) raise FileNotFoundError(included_header) def visit_NormalStructDefinition(self, node, visited_children) -> StructDeclaration: struct, name, lbrace, fields, rbrace = visited_children assert struct.type == 'struct' assert name.type == 'identifier' name = assert lbrace.type == '{' assert rbrace.type == '}' return StructDeclaration(name, fields) def visit_OpaqueStructDefinition(self, node, visited_children) -> StructDeclaration: opaque, struct, name, semi = visited_children assert opaque.type == 'opaque' assert struct.type == 'struct' assert name.type == 'identifier' name = assert semi.type == ';' return StructDeclaration(name, None) def visit_EnumDefinition(self, node, visited_children) -> EnumDeclaration: enum, name, lbrace, first_member, extra_members, trailing_comma, rbrace = visited_children assert enum.type == 'enum' assert name.type == 'identifier' name = assert lbrace.type == '{' assert rbrace.type == '}' values = [first_member] for _, v in extra_members: values.append(v) return EnumDeclaration(name, values) def visit_EnumMember(self, node, visited_children) -> Tuple[str, typing.Optional[Expression]]: name, equals_value = visited_children assert name.type == 'identifier' name = if equals_value is None: return name, None _, value = equals_value return name, value def visit_RobustUnionDefinition(self, node, visited_children) -> UnionDeclaration: union, name, lbrace, tag, body, rbrace = visited_children assert union.type == 'union' assert name.type == 'identifier' name = assert lbrace.type == '{' assert rbrace.type == '}' expected_tagname, body = body if != expected_tagname: raise NameError(f"tag {tag} does not match switch argument {expected_tagname}") if not isinstance(body, list): body = [body] return UnionDeclaration(name, tag, body) def visit_UnionBody(self, node, visited_children) -> Tuple[str, List[Tuple[Expression, typing.Optional[VariableDeclaration]]]]: switch, lparen, tag, rparen, lbrace, body, rbrace = visited_children assert switch.type == 'switch' assert lparen.type == '(' assert rparen.type == ')' assert lbrace.type == '{' assert rbrace.type == '}' return, body def visit_UnionBodySet(self, node, visited_children) -> Tuple[Expression, typing.Optional[VariableDeclaration]]: cases, var = visited_children if isinstance(cases, list): cases = cases[0] if isinstance(var, VariableDeclaration): return cases, var else: return cases, None def visit_CaseSpecifier(self, node, visited_children) -> Expression: while isinstance(visited_children, list) and len(visited_children) == 1: visited_children = visited_children[0] # TODO don't explode on 'default:' case, expr, colon = visited_children return expr def visit_FragileUnionDefinition(self, node, visited_children) -> UnionDeclaration: fragile, union, name, lbrace, body, rbrace = visited_children assert fragile.type == 'fragile' assert union.type == 'union' assert name.type == 'identifier' name = assert lbrace.type == '{' assert rbrace.type == '}' return UnionDeclaration(name, None, body) def visit_FunctionDeclaration(self, node, visited_children) -> FunctionDeclaration: signature, semi = visited_children assert semi.type == ';' return signature def visit_VariableDefinition(self, node, visited_children) -> VariableDefinition: type, name, eq, value, semi = visited_children assert name.type == 'identifier' name = assert eq.type == '=' assert semi.type == ';' return VariableDefinition(name, type, value) def visit_VariableDeclaration(self, node, visited_children) -> VariableDeclaration: type, name, semi = visited_children assert name.type == 'identifier' name = assert semi.type == ';' return VariableDeclaration(name, type) def visit_FunctionDefinition(self, node, visited_children) -> FunctionDefinition: signature, body = visited_children return FunctionDefinition(, signature.return_type, signature.args, body) def visit_FunctionSignature(self, node, visited_children) -> FunctionDeclaration: return_type, name, lparen, args, rparen = visited_children assert name.type == 'identifier' name = assert lparen.type == '(' if args is None: args = [] assert rparen.type == ')' return FunctionDeclaration(name, return_type, args) def visit_SignatureArguments(self, node, visited_children) -> List[VariableDeclaration]: first_type, first_name, rest, comma = visited_children result = [VariableDeclaration(, first_type)] for comma, ty, name in rest: result.append(VariableDeclaration(, ty)) return result def visit_IfStatement(self, node, visited_children): kwd, lparen, condition, rparen, then, els = visited_children assert kwd.type == 'if' assert lparen.type == '(' assert rparen.type == ')' if els is not None: kwd, els = els assert kwd.type == 'else' return IfStatement(condition, then, els) def visit_ReturnStatement(self, node, visited_children): ret, body, semi = visited_children assert ret.type == 'return' assert semi.type == ';' return ReturnStatement(body) def visit_DirectAssignmentBody(self, node, visited_children): dest, eq, value = visited_children assert eq.type == '=' return DirectAssignment(dest, value) def visit_UpdateAssignmentBody(self, node, visited_children): dest, op, value = visited_children return UpdateAssignment(dest, op.type, value) def visit_AssignmentStatement(self, node, visited_children): assignment, semi = visited_children assert semi.type == ';' return assignment def visit_ExpressionStatement(self, node, visited_children): expression, semi = visited_children assert semi.type == ';' return ExpressionStatement(expression) def visit_BasicType(self, node, visited_children) -> Type: while isinstance(visited_children, list) and len(visited_children) == 1: visited_children = visited_children[0] if isinstance(visited_children, list): if len(visited_children) == 3: # parenthesized! lparen, ty, rparen = visited_children assert lparen.type == '(' assert rparen.type == ')' return ty else: category, name = visited_children category = category.type assert name.type == 'identifier' name = return BasicType(f"{category} {name}") return BasicType(visited_children.type) def visit_ConstType(self, node, visited_children) -> ConstType: const, contents = visited_children assert const.type == 'const' return ConstType(contents) def visit_FunctionType(self, node, visited_children): raise NotImplementedError('function types') def visit_ArrayType(self, node, visited_children) -> ArrayType: contents, lbracket, size, rbracket = visited_children assert lbracket.type == '[' assert rbracket.type == ']' return ArrayType(contents, size) def visit_PointerType(self, node, visited_children) -> PointerType: contents, splat = visited_children assert splat.type == '*' return PointerType(contents) def visit_Block(self, node, visited_children) -> List[Expression]: lbrace, body, rbrace = visited_children assert lbrace.type == '{' assert rbrace.type == '}' return body def visit_AtomicExpression(self, node, visited_children) -> Expression: if isinstance(visited_children, list) and len(visited_children) == 3: lparen, body, rparen = visited_children assert lparen.type == '(' assert rparen.type == ')' return body body = visited_children while isinstance(body, list): body = body[0] if body.type == 'identifier': return VariableExpression( if body.type == 'constant': return ConstantExpression( if body.type in ['true', 'false']: return ConstantExpression(body.type) if body.type == 'string_literal': return ConstantExpression( raise NotImplementedError('atomic expression ' + repr(body)) def visit_StructPointerElementSuffix(self, node, visited_children): separator, element = visited_children assert separator.type == '->' return lambda base: StructPointerElementExpression(base, def visit_CommasExpressionList(self, node, visited_children): first, rest, comma = visited_children result = [first] for comma, next in rest: result.append(next) return result def visit_FunctionCallSuffix(self, node, visited_children): lparen, args, rparen = visited_children assert lparen.type == '(' assert rparen.type == ')' if args is None: args = [] return lambda base: FunctionCallExpression(base, args) def visit_ArrayIndexSuffix(self, node, visited_children): lbracket, index, rbracket = visited_children assert lbracket.type == '[' assert rbracket.type == ']' return lambda base: ArrayIndexExpression(base, index) def visit_ObjectExpression(self, node, visited_children) -> Expression: if isinstance(visited_children, list): base, suffix = visited_children[0] if len(suffix) > 0: for suffix in suffix: base = suffix(base) return base raise NotImplementedError('array/struct literals') def visit_NegativeExpression(self, node, visited_children): minus, body = visited_children assert minus.type == '-' return NegativeExpression(body) def visit_AddressOfExpression(self, node, visited_children): ampersand, body = visited_children assert ampersand.type == '&' return AddressOfExpression(body) def visit_LogicalNotExpression(self, node, visited_children): bang, body = visited_children assert bang.type == '!' return LogicalNotExpression(body) def visit_SizeofExpression(self, node, visited_children): sizeof, argument = visited_children[0] assert sizeof.type == 'sizeof' return SizeofExpression(argument) def visit_TermExpression(self, node, visited_children) -> Expression: base, suffix = visited_children if suffix is not None: for op, factor in suffix: if op.type == '*': base = MultiplyExpression(base, factor) else: raise NotImplementedError('term suffix ' + op) return base def visit_ArithmeticExpression(self, node, visited_children) -> Expression: base, suffix = visited_children if suffix is not None: for op, term in suffix: if op.type == '+': base = AddExpression(base, term) elif op.type == '-': base = SubtractExpression(base, term) else: raise NotImplementedError('arithmetic suffix ' + op) return base def visit_GreaterEqExpression(self, node, visited_children): value1, op, value2 = visited_children assert op.type == '>=' return ComparisonExpression(value1, '>=', value2) def visit_LessEqExpression(self, node, visited_children): value1, op, value2 = visited_children assert op.type == '<=' return ComparisonExpression(value1, '<=', value2) def generic_visit(self, node, visited_children): if isinstance(node.expr, TokenMatcher): return node.text[0] if isinstance(node.expr, OneOf): return visited_children[0] if isinstance(node.expr, Optional): if len(visited_children) == 0: return None return visited_children[0] if isinstance(node.expr, Sequence) and != '': raise NotImplementedError('visit for sequence ' + str(node.expr)) if isinstance(node.expr, Compound): return visited_children print(node.expr) return super(ASTBuilder, self).generic_visit(node, visited_children) def build_ast(parse_tree, include_dirs): builder = ASTBuilder(include_dirs) return builder.visit(parse_tree)