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1 files changed, 13 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/syntax.md b/syntax.md
index 1555409..c0b043f 100644
--- a/syntax.md
+++ b/syntax.md
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Tokens are separated by either *whitespace* or a *comment*.
## Keywords
-A *keyword* is one of the following 28 literal words:
+A *keyword* is one of the following literal words:
- `bool`
- `break`
- `case`
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ A *keyword* is one of the following 28 literal words:
- `sizeof`
- `struct`
- `switch`
-- `typedef`
- `unsigned`
- `void`
- `while`
@@ -157,3 +156,15 @@ A *comment* can be either a *line comment* or a *block comment*.
A *line comment* begins with the characters `//` if they occur outside of a string literal or comment, and ends with a newline character U+000A.
A *block comment* begins with the characters `/*` if they occur outside of a string literal or comment, and ends with the characters `*/`.
+# Parsing
+The syntax of Crowbar is given as a [parsing expression grammar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsing_expression_grammar):
+| Syntax Element | | Parsing Expression |
+|ImplementationFile| ← |ImplementationFileElement*|
+|HeaderFile | ← |HeaderFileElement* |
+|HeaderFileElement | ← |IncludeStatement |
+| | / |TypeDeclaration |
+| | / |FunctionDeclaration |