# the Hope system Hope is a Python framework (and maybe someday an operating system) for implementing node graph based computing with the actor model. ## why Python? it's what i know, and i wanted to make damn sure it has a usable GUI, and those are a nightmare to build in Rust. and i don't actually know any of the languages that are designed around the actor model. ## why node graphs? they're way better for discoverability than code-as-text. ## why actor model? it's a really intuitive way of implementing node graphs, and it allows for really simple concurrent programming. ## why any of this? i hate the way programming works right now, and i would like to change it. ## why call it Hope? there's an OS development project called [SerenityOS](http://www.serenityos.org/) that is named after a personal state which its creator wished to reach and maintain. i would like to have hope, and it would be nice if building Hope helped me find hope. ## wait who are you again i am [boringcactus](https://www.boringcactus.com). ## is this ever gonna take off statistically, it's almost certain that i won't even finish it. and if i do, it probably will not. but there's a chance. ## what's the license the Hope system is released under the terms of the [Anti-Capitalist Software License](https://anticapitalist.software) v1.4. if you would like to use this under another license, contact me.