default: image: rust:latest stages: - test - full-test test: script: - cargo test --no-fail-fast - cargo test --no-fail-fast --no-default-features - rustup component add clippy - cargo clippy - rustup component add rustfmt - cargo fmt -- --check full-test-tcl: stage: full-test script: - cargo install --path . - mkdir ~/tcl - cd ~/tcl - wget - tar xf tcl*.tar.gz - cd tcl*/unix/ - ./configure - makers full-test-uutils: stage: full-test script: - cargo install --path . - git clone ~/uutils-coreutils - cd ~/uutils-coreutils - apt update && apt install -y python3-sphinx - makers build - makers test || echo "test failed but that's not the point" - makers busytest || echo "busytest failed but that's not the point" full-test-cpython: stage: full-test script: - cargo install --path . - mkdir ~/cpython - cd ~/cpython - wget - tar xf Python-*.tar.xz - cd Python-*/ - ./configure - makers full-test-spdx: stage: full-test script: - cargo install --path . - git clone ~/spdx-license-list - cd ~/spdx-license-list - apt update && apt install -y default-jre-headless - makers full-test-libarchive: stage: full-test script: - cargo install --path . - cd - wget - tar xf libarchive-*.tar.xz - cd libarchive-*/ - ./configure - makers - makers check || echo "test failed but that's not the point" full-test-xbps: stage: full-test script: - cargo install --path . - cd - git clone ~/xbps - cd ~/xbps - apt update && apt install -y libarchive-dev - ./configure - makers full-test-linux: stage: full-test script: - cargo install --path . - mkdir ~/linux - cd ~/linux - wget - tar xf linux-*.tar.xz - cd linux-*/ - (makers -p 2>&1 || true) | grep 'Configuration file ".config" not found!' - makers help - makers mrproper - apt update && apt install -y flex bison libelf-dev - makers defconfig - makers allow_failure: true