extern crate toml; macro_rules! bad { ($toml:expr, $msg:expr) => { match $toml.parse::() { Ok(s) => panic!("parsed to: {:#?}", s), Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.to_string(), $msg), } }; } #[test] fn bad() { bad!("a = 01", "invalid number at line 1 column 6"); bad!("a = 1__1", "invalid number at line 1 column 5"); bad!("a = 1_", "invalid number at line 1 column 5"); bad!("''", "empty table key found at line 1 column 1"); bad!("a = 9e99999", "invalid number at line 1 column 5"); bad!( "a = \"\u{7f}\"", "invalid character in string: `\\u{7f}` at line 1 column 6" ); bad!( "a = '\u{7f}'", "invalid character in string: `\\u{7f}` at line 1 column 6" ); bad!("a = -0x1", "invalid number at line 1 column 5"); bad!("a = 0x-1", "failed to parse datetime for key `a`"); // Dotted keys. bad!( "a.b.c = 1 a.b = 2 ", "duplicate key: `b` for key `a`" ); bad!( "a = 1 a.b = 2", "dotted key attempted to extend non-table type at line 1 column 5" ); bad!( "a = {k1 = 1, k1.name = \"joe\"}", "dotted key attempted to extend non-table type at line 1 column 11" ); }