extern crate serde; extern crate toml; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt::Debug; use toml::value::Datetime; use toml::Spanned; /// A set of good datetimes. pub fn good_datetimes() -> Vec<&'static str> { let mut v = Vec::new(); v.push("1997-09-09T09:09:09Z"); v.push("1997-09-09T09:09:09+09:09"); v.push("1997-09-09T09:09:09-09:09"); v.push("1997-09-09T09:09:09"); v.push("1997-09-09"); v.push("09:09:09"); v.push("1997-09-09T09:09:09.09Z"); v.push("1997-09-09T09:09:09.09+09:09"); v.push("1997-09-09T09:09:09.09-09:09"); v.push("1997-09-09T09:09:09.09"); v.push("09:09:09.09"); v } #[test] fn test_spanned_field() { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Foo { foo: Spanned, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct BareFoo { foo: T, } fn good<'de, T>(s: &'de str, expected: &str, end: Option) where T: serde::Deserialize<'de> + Debug + PartialEq, { let foo: Foo = toml::from_str(s).unwrap(); assert_eq!(6, foo.foo.start()); if let Some(end) = end { assert_eq!(end, foo.foo.end()); } else { assert_eq!(s.len(), foo.foo.end()); } assert_eq!(expected, &s[foo.foo.start()..foo.foo.end()]); // Test for Spanned<> at the top level let foo_outer: Spanned> = toml::from_str(s).unwrap(); assert_eq!(0, foo_outer.start()); assert_eq!(s.len(), foo_outer.end()); assert_eq!(foo.foo.into_inner(), foo_outer.into_inner().foo); } good::("foo = \"foo\"", "\"foo\"", None); good::("foo = 42", "42", None); // leading plus good::("foo = +42", "+42", None); // table good::>( "foo = {\"foo\" = 42, \"bar\" = 42}", "{\"foo\" = 42, \"bar\" = 42}", None, ); // array good::>("foo = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]", "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]", None); // datetime good::( "foo = \"1997-09-09T09:09:09Z\"", "\"1997-09-09T09:09:09Z\"", None, ); for expected in good_datetimes() { let s = format!("foo = {}", expected); good::(&s, expected, None); } // ending at something other than the absolute end good::("foo = 42\nnoise = true", "42", Some(8)); } #[test] fn test_inner_spanned_table() { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Foo { foo: Spanned, Spanned>>, } fn good(s: &str, zero: bool) { let foo: Foo = toml::from_str(s).unwrap(); if zero { assert_eq!(foo.foo.start(), 0); // We'd actually have to assert equality with s.len() here, // but the current implementation doesn't support that, // and it's not possible with toml's data format to support it // in the general case as spans aren't always well-defined. // So this check mainly serves as a reminder that this test should // be updated *if* one day there is support for emitting the actual span. assert_eq!(foo.foo.end(), 0); } else { assert_eq!(foo.foo.start(), s.find("{").unwrap()); assert_eq!(foo.foo.end(), s.find("}").unwrap() + 1); } for (k, v) in foo.foo.get_ref().iter() { assert_eq!(&s[k.start()..k.end()], k.get_ref()); assert_eq!(&s[(v.start() + 1)..(v.end() - 1)], v.get_ref()); } } good( " [foo] a = 'b' bar = 'baz' c = 'd' e = \"f\" ", true, ); good( " foo = { a = 'b', bar = 'baz', c = 'd', e = \"f\" }", false, ); } #[test] fn test_outer_spanned_table() { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Foo { foo: HashMap, Spanned>, } fn good(s: &str) { let foo: Foo = toml::from_str(s).unwrap(); for (k, v) in foo.foo.iter() { assert_eq!(&s[k.start()..k.end()], k.get_ref()); assert_eq!(&s[(v.start() + 1)..(v.end() - 1)], v.get_ref()); } } good( " [foo] a = 'b' bar = 'baz' c = 'd' e = \"f\" ", ); good( " foo = { a = 'b', bar = 'baz', c = 'd', e = \"f\" } ", ); } #[test] fn test_spanned_nested() { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Foo { foo: HashMap, HashMap, Spanned>>, } fn good(s: &str) { let foo: Foo = toml::from_str(s).unwrap(); for (k, v) in foo.foo.iter() { assert_eq!(&s[k.start()..k.end()], k.get_ref()); for (n_k, n_v) in v.iter() { assert_eq!(&s[n_k.start()..n_k.end()], n_k.get_ref()); assert_eq!(&s[(n_v.start() + 1)..(n_v.end() - 1)], n_v.get_ref()); } } } good( " [foo.a] a = 'b' c = 'd' e = \"f\" [foo.bar] baz = 'true' ", ); good( " [foo] foo = { a = 'b', bar = 'baz', c = 'd', e = \"f\" } bazz = {} g = { h = 'i' } ", ); } #[test] fn test_spanned_array() { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Foo { foo: Vec, Spanned>>>, } fn good(s: &str) { let foo_list: Foo = toml::from_str(s).unwrap(); for foo in foo_list.foo.iter() { assert_eq!(foo.start(), 0); // We'd actually have to assert equality with s.len() here, // but the current implementation doesn't support that, // and it's not possible with toml's data format to support it // in the general case as spans aren't always well-defined. // So this check mainly serves as a reminder that this test should // be updated *if* one day there is support for emitting the actual span. assert_eq!(foo.end(), 0); for (k, v) in foo.get_ref().iter() { assert_eq!(&s[k.start()..k.end()], k.get_ref()); assert_eq!(&s[(v.start() + 1)..(v.end() - 1)], v.get_ref()); } } } good( " [[foo]] a = 'b' bar = 'baz' c = 'd' e = \"f\" [[foo]] a = 'c' bar = 'baz' c = 'g' e = \"h\" ", ); }