#![cfg(feature = "serde")] #![feature(custom_derive, plugin)] #![plugin(serde_macros)] extern crate serde; extern crate toml; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize, Deserializer}; use toml::{Encoder, Decoder, DecodeError}; use toml::Value; use toml::Value::{Table, Integer, Array, Float}; macro_rules! t { ($e:expr) => (match $e { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => panic!("{} failed with {}", stringify!($e), e), }) } macro_rules! encode( ($t:expr) => ({ let mut e = Encoder::new(); t!($t.serialize(&mut e)); e.toml }) ); macro_rules! decode( ($t:expr) => ({ let mut d = Decoder::new($t); t!(Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d)) }) ); macro_rules! map( ($($k:ident, $v:expr),*) => ({ let mut _m = BTreeMap::new(); $(_m.insert(stringify!($k).to_string(), $v);)* _m }) ); #[test] fn smoke() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: isize } let v = Foo { a: 2 }; assert_eq!(encode!(v), map! { a, Integer(2) }); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); } #[test] fn smoke_hyphen() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a_b: isize } let v = Foo { a_b: 2 }; assert_eq!(encode!(v), map! { a_b, Integer(2) }); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); let mut m = BTreeMap::new(); m.insert("a-b".to_string(), Integer(2)); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); } #[test] fn nested() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: isize, b: Bar } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Bar { a: String } let v = Foo { a: 2, b: Bar { a: "test".to_string() } }; assert_eq!(encode!(v), map! { a, Integer(2), b, Table(map! { a, Value::String("test".to_string()) }) }); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); } #[test] fn application_decode_error() { #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] struct Range10(usize); impl Deserialize for Range10 { fn deserialize(d: &mut D) -> Result { let x: usize = try!(Deserialize::deserialize(d)); if x > 10 { Err(serde::de::Error::syntax_error()) } else { Ok(Range10(x)) } } } let mut d_good = Decoder::new(Integer(5)); let mut d_bad1 = Decoder::new(Value::String("not an isize".to_string())); let mut d_bad2 = Decoder::new(Integer(11)); assert_eq!(Ok(Range10(5)), Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d_good)); let err1: Result = Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d_bad1); assert!(err1.is_err()); let err2: Result = Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d_bad2); assert!(err2.is_err()); } #[test] fn array() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: Vec } let v = Foo { a: vec![1, 2, 3, 4] }; assert_eq!(encode!(v), map! { a, Array(vec![ Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4) ]) }); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); } #[test] fn tuple() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: (isize, isize, isize, isize) } let v = Foo { a: (1, 2, 3, 4) }; assert_eq!(encode!(v), map! { a, Array(vec![ Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4) ]) }); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); } #[test] fn inner_structs_with_options() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: Option>, b: Bar, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Bar { a: String, b: f64, } let v = Foo { a: Some(Box::new(Foo { a: None, b: Bar { a: "foo".to_string(), b: 4.5 }, })), b: Bar { a: "bar".to_string(), b: 1.0 }, }; assert_eq!(encode!(v), map! { a, Table(map! { b, Table(map! { a, Value::String("foo".to_string()), b, Float(4.5) }) }), b, Table(map! { a, Value::String("bar".to_string()), b, Float(1.0) }) }); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); } #[test] fn hashmap() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { map: BTreeMap, set: HashSet, } let v = Foo { map: { let mut m = BTreeMap::new(); m.insert("foo".to_string(), 10); m.insert("bar".to_string(), 4); m }, set: { let mut s = HashSet::new(); s.insert('a'); s }, }; assert_eq!(encode!(v), map! { map, Table(map! { foo, Integer(10), bar, Integer(4) }), set, Array(vec![Value::String("a".to_string())]) } ); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); } #[test] fn tuple_struct() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo(isize, String, f64); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Bar { whee: Foo, } let v = Bar { whee: Foo(1, "foo".to_string(), 4.5) }; assert_eq!( encode!(v), map! { whee, Value::Array(vec![ Integer(1), Value::String("foo".to_string()), Float(4.5), ]) } ); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); } #[test] fn table_array() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: Vec, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Bar { a: isize } let v = Foo { a: vec![Bar { a: 1 }, Bar { a: 2 }] }; assert_eq!( encode!(v), map! { a, Array(vec![ Table(map!{ a, Integer(1) }), Table(map!{ a, Integer(2) }), ]) } ); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); } #[test] fn type_errors() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { bar: isize } let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! { bar, Float(1.0) })); let a: Result = Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d); // serde uses FromPrimitive, that's why this works match a { Ok(..) => panic!("should not have decoded"), Err(e) => { assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "expected a value of type `integer`, but \ found a value of type `float` for the key `bar`"); } } } #[test] fn missing_errors() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { bar: isize } let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! { })); let a: Result = Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d); match a { Ok(..) => panic!("should not have decoded"), Err(e) => { assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "expected a value for the key `bar`"); } } } #[test] fn parse_enum() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: E } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] enum E { Bar(isize), Baz(f64), Last(Foo2), } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo2 { test: String, } let v = Foo { a: E::Bar(10) }; // technically serde is correct here. a single element tuple still is a tuple and therefor // a sequence assert_eq!( encode!(v), map! { a, Integer(10) } ); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); let v = Foo { a: E::Baz(10.2) }; assert_eq!( encode!(v), map! { a, Float(10.2) } ); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); let v = Foo { a: E::Last(Foo2 { test: "test".to_string() }) }; assert_eq!( encode!(v), map! { a, Table(map! { test, Value::String("test".to_string()) }) } ); assert_eq!(v, decode!(Table(encode!(v)))); } #[test] fn unused_fields() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: isize } let v = Foo { a: 2 }; let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! { a, Integer(2), b, Integer(5) })); assert_eq!(v, t!(Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d))); assert_eq!(d.toml, Some(Table(map! { b, Integer(5) }))); } #[test] fn unused_fields2() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: Bar } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Bar { a: isize } let v = Foo { a: Bar { a: 2 } }; let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! { a, Table(map! { a, Integer(2), b, Integer(5) }) })); assert_eq!(v, t!(Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d))); assert_eq!(d.toml, Some(Table(map! { a, Table(map! { b, Integer(5) }) }))); } #[test] fn unused_fields3() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: Bar } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Bar { a: isize } let v = Foo { a: Bar { a: 2 } }; let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! { a, Table(map! { a, Integer(2) }) })); assert_eq!(v, t!(Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d))); assert_eq!(d.toml, None); } #[test] fn unused_fields4() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: BTreeMap } let v = Foo { a: map! { a, "foo".to_string() } }; let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! { a, Table(map! { a, Value::String("foo".to_string()) }) })); assert_eq!(v, t!(Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d))); assert_eq!(d.toml, None); } #[test] fn unused_fields5() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: Vec } let v = Foo { a: vec!["a".to_string()] }; let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! { a, Array(vec![Value::String("a".to_string())]) })); assert_eq!(v, t!(Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d))); assert_eq!(d.toml, None); } #[test] fn unused_fields6() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: Option> } let v = Foo { a: Some(vec![]) }; let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! { a, Array(vec![]) })); assert_eq!(v, t!(Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d))); assert_eq!(d.toml, None); } #[test] fn unused_fields7() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: Vec } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Bar { a: isize } let v = Foo { a: vec![Bar { a: 1 }] }; let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! { a, Array(vec![Table(map! { a, Integer(1), b, Integer(2) })]) })); assert_eq!(v, t!(Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d))); assert_eq!(d.toml, Some(Table(map! { a, Array(vec![Table(map! { b, Integer(2) })]) }))); } #[test] fn empty_arrays() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: Vec } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Bar; let v = Foo { a: vec![] }; let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! {})); assert_eq!(v, t!(Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d))); } #[test] fn empty_arrays2() { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo { a: Option> } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Bar; let v = Foo { a: None }; let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! {})); assert_eq!(v, t!(Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d))); let v = Foo { a: Some(vec![]) }; let mut d = Decoder::new(Table(map! { a, Array(vec![]) })); assert_eq!(v, t!(Deserialize::deserialize(&mut d))); }