/* global Hls, dragula, CAMERAS, DEFAULTS */ const STATE = loadState(); let HLSInstances = {}; function loadState() { let hash = document.location.hash; if (hash.length === 0) { history.replaceState(null, "", "#" + DEFAULTS.join(",")); return DEFAULTS; } hash = hash.replace(/^#/, ""); if (hash.length === 0) { return []; } return hash.split(","); } function handleCheckbox(evt) { const id = evt.target.dataset.id; if (evt.target.checked) { if (!STATE.includes(id)) { appendCamera(id); } } else { if (STATE.includes(id)) { removeCamera(id); } } } function findCamera(id) { for (let cameras of Object.values(CAMERAS)) { let found = cameras.find(x => x.id === id); if (found !== undefined) { return found; } } } function compareStrings(a, b) { var nameA = a.toUpperCase(); // ignore upper and lowercase var nameB = b.toUpperCase(); // ignore upper and lowercase if (nameA < nameB) { return -1; } if (nameA > nameB) { return 1; } // names must be equal return 0; } function loadData() { const nav = document.querySelector("nav"); let neighborhoods = Object.keys(CAMERAS).sort(compareStrings); for (let neighborhood of neighborhoods) { const section = document.createElement("section"); const h2 = document.createElement("h2"); h2.innerText = neighborhood; section.append(h2); const boxes = document.createElement("ul"); section.append(boxes); let cameras = CAMERAS[neighborhood].sort((a, b) => compareStrings(a.name, b.name)); for (let { id, name } of cameras) { const label = document.createElement("label"); const checkbox = document.createElement("input"); checkbox.type = "checkbox"; checkbox.dataset.id = id; checkbox.addEventListener("input", handleCheckbox); checkbox.checked = STATE.includes(id); label.append(checkbox); const text = document.createTextNode(name); label.append(text); const li = document.createElement("li"); li.append(label); boxes.append(li); } nav.append(section); } for (let id of STATE) { let camera = findCamera(id); document.querySelector("main").append(makeCameraStream(camera)); } } function makeCameraStream(camera) { const section = document.createElement("section"); section.dataset.id = camera.id; const header = document.createElement("h2"); header.innerText = camera.name; const close = document.createElement("button"); close.className = 'close'; close.type = "button"; close.innerText = "X"; header.append(close); close.addEventListener('click', evt => { removeCamera(evt.target.parentNode.parentNode.dataset.id); }); section.append(header); let video; if (camera.stream !== undefined) { video = document.createElement("video"); video.controls = true; if (Hls.isSupported()) { const hls = new Hls({manifestLoadingTimeOut: 60000}); if (location.hostname === 'localhost' && camera.stream.startsWith('/')) { hls.loadSource('https://pig.observer' + camera.stream); } else { hls.loadSource(camera.stream); } hls.attachMedia(video); hls.on(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, function () { video.play(); }); hls.on(Hls.Events.ERROR, function (event, data) { if (data.fatal) { switch (data.type) { case Hls.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR: // try to recover network error if (data.response.code === 404) { hls.destroy(); let errorMessage = document.createTextNode("Stream not found (probably doesn't exist after all)"); video.parentNode.append(errorMessage); video.remove(); break; } console.log("fatal network error encountered, try to recover"); console.log(data); hls.startLoad(); break; case Hls.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR: console.log("fatal media error encountered, try to recover"); hls.recoverMediaError(); break; default: // cannot recover hls.destroy(); let errorMessage = document.createTextNode( "Error: " + JSON.stringify([event, data]) ); video.parentNode.append(errorMessage); video.remove(); break; } } }); HLSInstances[camera.id] = hls; } // hls.js is not supported on platforms that do not have Media Source // Extensions (MSE) enabled. // // When the browser has built-in HLS support (check using `canPlayType`), // we can provide an HLS manifest (i.e. .m3u8 URL) directly to the video // element through the `src` property. This is using the built-in support // of the plain video element, without using hls.js. // // Note: it would be more normal to wait on the 'canplay' event below however // on Safari (where you are most likely to find built-in HLS support) the // video.src URL must be on the user-driven white-list before a 'canplay' // event will be emitted; the last video event that can be reliably // listened-for when the URL is not on the white-list is 'loadedmetadata'. else if (video.canPlayType("application/vnd.apple.mpegurl")) { video.src = camera.stream; if (location.hostname === 'localhost' && camera.stream.startsWith('/')) { video.src = 'https://pig.observer' + camera.stream; } video.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function () { video.play(); }); } } else { video = document.createElement("img"); video.className = 'reload'; video.src = camera.url; if (location.hostname === 'localhost' && camera.url.startsWith('/')) { video.src = 'https://pig.observer' + camera.url; } setTimeout(pokeImages, 1); } section.append(video); return section; } function appendCamera(id) { STATE.push(id); history.replaceState(null, "", "#" + STATE.join(",")); let camera = findCamera(id); document.querySelector("main").append(makeCameraStream(camera)); } function removeCamera(id) { const oldIndex = STATE.indexOf(id); if (oldIndex > -1) { STATE.splice(oldIndex, 1); } history.replaceState(null, "", "#" + STATE.join(",")); for (let video of document.querySelectorAll("main section")) { if (video.dataset.id === id) { video.remove(); } } for (let checkbox of document.querySelectorAll('nav input')) { if (checkbox.dataset.id === id) { checkbox.checked = false; } } if (HLSInstances[id] !== undefined) { HLSInstances[id].destroy(); HLSInstances[id] = undefined; } } const playall = document.getElementById("playall"); if (playall) { playall.addEventListener("click", e => { for (let k of document.querySelectorAll("video")) { k.play(); k.currentTime += 10000; } }); } document.getElementById("vidwidth").addEventListener("input", e => { document.body.style.setProperty("--video-width", e.target.value + "vw"); }); document.getElementById("filter").addEventListener("input", e => { let filter = e.target.value; for (let neighborhood of document.querySelectorAll("nav section")) { neighborhood.hidden = true; for (let box of neighborhood.querySelectorAll("li")) { const matches = box.innerText .toLowerCase() .includes(filter.toLowerCase()); box.hidden = !matches; neighborhood.hidden = neighborhood.hidden && !matches; } } }); loadData(); const dragHandler = dragula([document.querySelector("main")], { moves(el, container, handle) { return handle.tagName.toLowerCase() === "h2"; } }); dragHandler.on("drop", (el, target, source, sibling) => { const myID = el.dataset.id; const neighborID = sibling.dataset.id; const oldIndex = STATE.indexOf(myID); if (oldIndex > -1) { STATE.splice(oldIndex, 1); } const newIndex = STATE.indexOf(neighborID); if (newIndex > -1) { STATE.splice(newIndex, 0, myID); } else { console.log("uhhhhh fuck"); } history.replaceState(null, "", "#" + STATE.join(",")); }); let pokeTimeout = undefined; function pokeImages() { for (let img of document.querySelectorAll('img.reload')) { if (MANUAL_CACHE_BUST) { if (img.dataset.origSrc === undefined) { img.dataset.origSrc = img.src; } fetch(img.dataset.origSrc, {cache: "no-cache"}) .then(function(response) { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`); } return response.blob(); }) .then(function(response) { img.src = URL.createObjectURL(response); if (pokeTimeout !== undefined) { clearTimeout(pokeTimeout); } pokeTimeout = setTimeout(pokeImages, 1000); }); } else { img.src = img.src.replace(/(\?0\.\d+)?$/, '?' + Math.random()); img.addEventListener('load', e => { if (pokeTimeout !== undefined) { clearTimeout(pokeTimeout); } pokeTimeout = setTimeout(pokeImages, 1000); }); } } }