#![feature(proc_macro_span)] extern crate proc_macro; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use proc_macro::TokenStream; use quote::{format_ident, quote}; #[proc_macro_derive(Model, attributes(model))] pub fn model_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { // Construct a representation of Rust code as a syntax tree // that we can manipulate let ast = syn::parse(input).unwrap(); // Build the trait implementation impl_model(&ast) } struct FieldInfo { tosin_field: T, diesel_column: T, diesel_type: T, } struct FieldsInfo { tosin_fields: Vec, diesel_columns: Vec, diesel_types: Vec, } impl std::iter::FromIterator> for FieldsInfo { fn from_iter>>(iter: I) -> Self { let mut result = Self { tosin_fields: vec![], diesel_columns: vec![], diesel_types: vec![], }; for info in iter { result.tosin_fields.push(info.tosin_field); result.diesel_columns.push(info.diesel_column); result.diesel_types.push(info.diesel_type); } result } } fn to_field_spec(field: &syn::Field) -> FieldInfo { fn parse_type(ty: &str) -> syn::Type { syn::parse_str(ty).unwrap() } let field_name = &field.ident; let field_type = &field.ty; let model_options: HashMap = field .attrs .iter() .filter_map(|attr| attr.parse_meta().ok()) .filter_map(|meta| { if let syn::Meta::List(meta) = meta { Some(meta) } else { None } }) .filter(|meta| meta.path.get_ident().map_or(false, |path| path == "model")) .flat_map(|model| { model.nested.into_iter().filter_map(|item| { if let syn::NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::NameValue(data)) = item { Some((data.path, data.lit)) } else { None } }) }) .collect(); if field_type == &parse_type("Option") { FieldInfo { tosin_field: quote! { ::tosin::db::models::Field::IntField { name: stringify!(#field_name) } }, diesel_column: quote! { #field_name -> BigInt }, diesel_type: quote! { ::tosin::db::sql_types::BigInt }, } } else if field_type == &parse_type("Id") { // TODO foreign key constraint FieldInfo { tosin_field: quote! { ::tosin::db::models::Field::IntField { name: stringify!(#field_name) } }, diesel_column: quote! { #field_name -> BigInt }, diesel_type: quote! { ::tosin::db::sql_types::BigInt }, } } else if field_type == &parse_type("u64") { // TODO allow at all since some dbs can't express that type FieldInfo { tosin_field: quote! { ::tosin::db::models::Field::IntField { name: stringify!(#field_name) } }, diesel_column: quote! { #field_name -> Integer }, diesel_type: quote! { ::tosin::db::sql_types::Integer }, } } else if field_type == &parse_type("i64") { // TODO default FieldInfo { tosin_field: quote! { ::tosin::db::models::Field::IntField { name: stringify!(#field_name) } }, diesel_column: quote! { #field_name -> BigInt }, diesel_type: quote! { ::tosin::db::sql_types::BigInt }, } } else if field_type == &parse_type("String") { let max_length = model_options .iter() .find(|(name, _value)| name.get_ident().map_or(false, |path| path == "max_length")) .map(|(_name, value)| value); if let Some(max_length) = max_length { FieldInfo { tosin_field: quote! { ::tosin::db::models::Field::CharField { name: stringify!(#field_name), max_length: Some(#max_length) } }, diesel_column: quote! { #field_name -> Text }, diesel_type: quote! { ::tosin::db::sql_types::Text }, } } else { FieldInfo { tosin_field: quote! { ::tosin::db::models::Field::CharField { name: stringify!(#field_name), max_length: None } }, diesel_column: quote! { #field_name -> Text }, diesel_type: quote! { ::tosin::db::sql_types::Text }, } } } else if field_type == &parse_type("chrono::NaiveDateTime") { FieldInfo { tosin_field: quote! { ::tosin::db::models::Field::DateTimeField { name: stringify!(#field_name) } }, diesel_column: quote! { #field_name -> Timestamp }, diesel_type: quote! { ::tosin::db::sql_types::Timestamp }, } } else { use quote::ToTokens; panic!("can't handle {}", field.to_token_stream()) } } fn is_id(field: &syn::Field) -> bool { let name_matches = field .ident .as_ref() .map_or(false, |name| name.to_string() == "id"); let type_matches = field.ty == syn::parse_str("Option").unwrap(); name_matches && type_matches } fn impl_model(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream { let name = &ast.ident; let lowercase_name = format_ident!("{}", name.to_string().to_lowercase()); let ast_data = if let syn::Data::Struct(ast_data) = &ast.data { ast_data } else { panic!("not on a struct"); }; let real_db_types: Vec<_> = ast_data .fields .iter() .map(|field| { if is_id(field) { syn::parse_str("Id").unwrap() } else { field.ty.clone() } }) .collect(); let new_params: Vec<_> = ast_data .fields .iter() .filter(|field| !is_id(field)) .map(|field| { let ty = &field.ty; let name = &field.ident; quote! { #name: #ty } }) .collect(); let field_names: Vec<_> = ast_data .fields .iter() .filter(|field| !is_id(field)) .map(|field| &field.ident) .collect(); let FieldsInfo { tosin_fields, diesel_columns, diesel_types, } = ast_data.fields.iter().map(to_field_spec).collect(); let insertable_types: Vec<_> = ast_data .fields .iter() .filter(|field| !is_id(field)) .map(|field| { let ident = &field.ident; let ty = &field.ty; quote! { Option> } }) .collect(); let insertable_values: Vec<_> = ast_data .fields .iter() .filter(|field| !is_id(field)) .map(|field| { let ident = &field.ident; quote! { Some(#lowercase_name::#ident.eq(&self.#ident)) } }) .collect(); let (getters, setters): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = ast_data .fields .iter() .map(|field| { let ident = field.ident.as_ref().expect("anonymous field in model"); let ty = &field.ty; let getter = quote! { pub fn #ident(&self) -> &#ty { &self.#ident } }; let set_ident = format_ident!("set_{}", ident); // TODO only use impl Into<#ty> sometimes let setter = quote! { pub fn #set_ident(&mut self, #ident: impl Into<#ty>) { self.#ident = #ident.into(); } }; (getter, setter) }) .unzip(); let gen = quote! { impl #name { pub const META: ::tosin::db::models::ModelMeta = ::tosin::db::models::ModelMeta { name: stringify!(#name), fields: &[ #(#tosin_fields),* ], }; pub fn new(#(#new_params),*) -> Self { Self { id: None, #(#field_names),* } } pub fn save_mut(&mut self, connection: &tosin::db::backend::Connection) { use diesel::prelude::*; if self.id.is_none() { // no id yet, so not from db, so insert // unfortunately InsertStatement::get_result is only supported on pg for now, // so we have to pull this shit let new_self = tosin::db::backend::insert_and_retrieve::< Self, // row #lowercase_name::table, // table #lowercase_name::id, // id >( self, #lowercase_name::table, connection, #lowercase_name::id ); *self = new_self; } else { todo!("update existing db item"); } } #(#getters)* #(#setters)* } impl<__DB: tosin::db::diesel_backend::Backend, __ST> tosin::db::Queryable<__ST, __DB> for #name where (#(#real_db_types),*): tosin::db::Queryable<__ST, __DB> { type Row = <(#(#real_db_types),*) as tosin::db::Queryable<__ST, __DB>>::Row; fn build(row: Self::Row) -> Self { let row: (#(#real_db_types),*) = tosin::db::Queryable::build(row); todo!() } } // this means users need #[macro_use] extern crate diesel; but fuck doing it ourselves table! { #lowercase_name { #(#diesel_columns,)* } } impl<'insert> tosin::db::Insertable<#lowercase_name::table> for &'insert #name { type Values = <(#(#insertable_types,)*) as tosin::db::Insertable<#lowercase_name::table>>::Values; fn values(self) -> Self::Values { use diesel::ExpressionMethods; (#(#insertable_values,)*).values() } } }; gen.into() } #[proc_macro] pub fn gather_migrations(_input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let call_site = proc_macro::Span::call_site(); let call_site_file = call_site.source_file(); let call_site_path = call_site_file.path(); if !call_site_file.is_real() { panic!("call site does not have a real path"); } let migrations_dir = call_site_path.parent().unwrap(); let migrations: Vec = migrations_dir .read_dir() .unwrap() .map(Result::unwrap) .map(|x| x.path().file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy().into_owned()) .filter(|x| x != "mod") .map(|x| syn::parse_str(&x).unwrap()) .collect(); let gen = quote! { #( mod #migrations; )* pub const ALL: &[Migration] = &[ #(#migrations::MIGRATION),* ]; }; gen.into() } #[proc_macro] pub fn gather_models(_input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let call_site = proc_macro::Span::call_site(); let call_site_file = call_site.source_file(); let call_site_path = call_site_file.path(); if !call_site_file.is_real() { panic!("call site does not have a real path"); } let call_site_ast = syn::parse_file(&fs::read_to_string(call_site_path).unwrap()).unwrap(); let models = call_site_ast .items .iter() .filter_map(|item| { if let syn::Item::Struct(item) = item { Some(item) } else { None } }) .filter(|item| { item.attrs.iter().any(|attr| { let attr = if let Ok(syn::Meta::List(attr)) = attr.parse_meta() { attr } else { return false; }; if attr .path .get_ident() .map_or(false, |hopefully_derive| hopefully_derive == "derive") { let mut derived = attr.nested.iter().filter_map(|derived| { if let syn::NestedMeta::Meta(derived) = derived { Some(derived) } else { None } }); derived.any(|derived| { derived .path() .get_ident() .map_or(false, |hopefully_model| hopefully_model == "Model") }) } else { false } }) }) .map(|item| &item.ident); let gen = quote! { pub const ALL: &[tosin::db::models::ModelMeta] = &[ #(#models::META),* ]; }; gen.into() }