path: root/_posts/2020-07-18-monads-without-the-bullshit.md
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authorMelody Horn <melody@boringcactus.com>2020-07-19 10:30:06 -0600
committerMelody Horn <melody@boringcactus.com>2020-07-19 10:30:06 -0600
commit176ac4dd90aa2d82ffbad67fe45a24698a277e26 (patch)
tree7f4831b59a6b743b15dae87896c73e43f3048799 /_posts/2020-07-18-monads-without-the-bullshit.md
parentcd6d8c159235b4a49d08835d9be436b81b10fa3d (diff)
write a bad blog post
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+layout: default
+title: "Monads, Explained Without Bullshit"
+there's a CS theory term, "monad," that has a reputation among extremely online programmers as being a really difficult to understand concept that nobody knows how to actually explain.
+for a while, i thought that reputation was accurate; i tried like six times to understand what a monad is, and couldn't get anywhere.
+but then a friend sent me [Philip Wadler's 1992 paper "Monads for functional programming"](https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/marktoberdorf/baastad.pdf) which turns out to be a really good explanation of what a monad is (in addition to a bunch of other stuff i don't care about).
+so i'm gonna be repackaging the parts i like of that explanation here.
+math jargon is pretty information-dense for me, though, and my eyes tend to glaze over pretty quickly, so i'll be using [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org) (or an idealized version thereof) throughout this post instead of math.
+so, a monad is a specific kind of type, so we can think of it like a `trait`:
+trait Monad {
+ // TODO
+Rust has two types that will be helpful here, because (spoilers) it turns out they're both monads: `Vec` and `Option`.
+now, if you've worked with Rust before, you might be thinking "wait, don't you mean `Vec<T>` and `Option<T>`?" and that's a reasonable question to ask, since Rust doesn't really let you just say `Vec` or `Option` by themselves.
+but as it happens, the monad-ness applies not to a specific `Vec<T>` but to `Vec` itself, and the same goes for `Option`.
+which means what we'd like to do is say
+impl Monad for Vec {}
+impl Monad for Option {}
+but Rust won't let us do that because we can't talk about `Vec`, only `Vec<T>`.
+this is (part of) why Rust doesn't have monads.
+so let's just kinda pretend that's legal Rust and move on.
+what operations make a monad a monad?
+## new
+Wadler calls this operation `unit`, and Haskell calls it `return`, but i think it is easier to think of it as `new`.
+trait Monad {
+ fn new<T>(item: T) -> Self<T>;
+`new` takes a `T` and returns an instance of whatever monad that contains that `T`.
+it's pretty straightforward to implement for both `Option` and `Vec`:
+impl Monad for Option {
+ fn new<T>(item: T) -> Self<T> { Some(item) }
+impl Monad for Vec {
+ fn new<T>(item: T) -> Self<T> { vec![item] }
+we started out with a stuff, and we made an instance of whatever monad that contains that stuff.
+## flat_map
+Wadler calls it `*`, Haskell calls it "bind" and spells it `>>=`, but i think `flat_map` is the best name for it.
+trait Monad {
+ fn flat_map<T, U, F: Fn(T) -> Self<U>>(data: Self<T>, operation: F) -> Self<U>;
+we have an instance of our monad containing data of some type `T`, and we have an operation that takes in a `T` and returns the same kind of monad containing a different type `U`.
+we get back our monad containing a `U`.
+as you may have guessed by how i named it, `flat_map` is basically just `Iterator::flat_map`, so implementing it for `Vec` is fairly straightforward.
+for `Option` it's literally just `and_then`.
+impl Monad for Option {
+ fn flat_map<T, U, F: Fn(T) -> Self<U>>(data: Self<T>, operation: F) -> Self<U> {
+ data.and_then(operation)
+ }
+impl Monad for Vec {
+ fn flat_map<T, U, F: Fn(T) -> Self<U>>(data: Self<T>, operation: F) -> Self<U> {
+ data.into_iter().flat_map(operation).collect()
+ }
+so in theory, we're done.
+we've shown the operations that make a monad a monad, and we've given their implementations for a couple of trivial monads.
+but not every type implementing this trait is really a monad: there are some guarantees we need to make about the behavior of these operations.
+## monad laws
+(written with reference to [the relevant Haskell wiki page](https://wiki.haskell.org/Monad_laws))
+like how there's nothing in Rust itself to ensure that your implementation of `Add` doesn't instead multiply, print a dozen lines of nonsense, or delete System32, the type system is not enough to guarantee that any given implementation of `Monad` is well-behaved.
+we need to define what a well-behaved implementation of `Monad` does, and we'll do that by writing functions that assert our `Monad` implementation is reasonable.
+we're going to have to also cheat a bit here and deviate from actual Rust by using `assert_eq!` to mean "assert equivalent" and not "assert equal"; that is, the two expressions should be interchangeable in every context.
+first off, we have the "left identity," which says that passing a value into a function through `new` and `flat_map` should be the same as passing that value in directly:
+fn assert_left_identity_holds<M: Monad>() {
+ let x = 7u8; // this should hold for any value
+ let f = |n: u8| M::new((n as i16) + 3); // this should hold for any function
+ assert_eq!(M::flat_map(M::new(x), f), f(x));
+next, we have the "right identity," which says that "and then make a new monad instance" should do nothing to a monad instance:
+fn assert_right_identity_holds<M: Monad>() {
+ let m = M::new('z'); // this should hold for any instance of M
+ assert_eq!(M::flat_map(m, M::new), m);
+and last but by no means least we have associativity, which says it shouldn't matter the sequence in which we apply `flat_map` as long as the arguments stay in the same order:
+fn assert_associativity_holds<M: Monad>() {
+ let m = M::new(false); // this should hold for any instance of M
+ let f = |data: bool| if data { M::new(3usize) } else { M::new(7usize) }; // this should hold for any function
+ let g = |data: usize| M::new(vec!["hello"; data]); // this should hold for any function
+ assert_eq!(
+ M::flat_map(M::flat_map(m, |x: bool| f(x)), g),
+ M::flat_map(m, |x: bool| M::flat_map(f(x), g))
+ );
+so now we can glue all those together and write a single function that ensures any given monad actually behaves as it should:
+fn assert_well_behaved_monad<M: Monad>() {
+ assert_left_identity_holds::<M>();
+ assert_right_identity_holds::<M>();
+ assert_associativity_holds::<M>();
+## but. why
+monads exist in functional programming to encapsulate state in a way that doesn't explode functional programming (among other things, please do not @ me).
+Rust isn't a functional programming language, so we have things like `mut` to handle state.
+there's a bit of discussion in Rust abt how monads would be actually implemented - the hypothetical extended Rust that i use here is not actually what anyone advocates for, you can look around for yourself if you care - but even the people in that discussion seem to not really explain why Rust needs monads.
+so all of this doesn't really build up to anything.
+but hey, now (with luck) you understand what monads are!
+i hope you find that rewarding for its own sake.
+i hope i do, too.