path: root/src/parser.rs
diff options
authorAlex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>2014-06-20 17:01:38 -0700
committerAlex Crichton <alex@alexcrichton.com>2014-06-20 17:01:38 -0700
commit11115f13a3499420cd09b745a298ef071755b24b (patch)
treeea24118086e8a1f814c4cd9b2f617c93fe107754 /src/parser.rs
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/parser.rs')
1 files changed, 617 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/parser.rs b/src/parser.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dac3e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+use std::char;
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use std::num::FromStrRadix;
+use std::str;
+use {Array, Table, Value, String, Float, Integer, Boolean, Datetime};
+pub struct Parser<'a> {
+ input: &'a str,
+ cur: str::CharOffsets<'a>,
+ tables_defined: HashSet<String>,
+ pub errors: Vec<Error>,
+pub struct Error {
+ pub lo: uint,
+ pub hi: uint,
+ pub desc: String,
+impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
+ pub fn new(s: &'a str) -> Parser<'a> {
+ Parser {
+ input: s,
+ cur: s.char_indices(),
+ errors: Vec::new(),
+ tables_defined: HashSet::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn next_pos(&self) -> uint {
+ self.cur.clone().next().map(|p| p.val0()).unwrap_or(self.input.len())
+ }
+ fn eat(&mut self, ch: char) -> bool {
+ match self.cur.clone().next() {
+ Some((_, c)) if c == ch => { self.cur.next(); true }
+ Some(_) | None => false,
+ }
+ }
+ fn expect(&mut self, ch: char) -> bool {
+ if self.eat(ch) { return true }
+ let mut it = self.cur.clone();
+ let lo = it.next().map(|p| p.val0()).unwrap_or(self.input.len());
+ let hi = it.next().map(|p| p.val0()).unwrap_or(self.input.len());
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: lo,
+ hi: hi,
+ desc: match self.cur.clone().next() {
+ Some((_, c)) => format!("expected `{}`, but found `{}`", ch, c),
+ None => format!("expected `{}`, but found eof", ch)
+ }
+ });
+ false
+ }
+ fn ws(&mut self) {
+ loop {
+ match self.cur.clone().next() {
+ Some((_, '\t')) |
+ Some((_, ' ')) => { self.cur.next(); }
+ _ => break,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn comment(&mut self) {
+ match self.cur.clone().next() {
+ Some((_, '#')) => {}
+ _ => return,
+ }
+ for (_, ch) in self.cur {
+ if ch == '\n' { break }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn parse(&mut self) -> Option<Table> {
+ let mut ret = HashMap::new();
+ loop {
+ self.ws();
+ match self.cur.clone().next() {
+ Some((_, '#')) => { self.comment(); }
+ Some((_, '\n')) => { self.cur.next(); }
+ Some((start, '[')) => {
+ self.cur.next();
+ let array = self.eat('[');
+ let mut section = String::new();
+ for (pos, ch) in self.cur {
+ if ch == ']' { break }
+ if ch == '[' {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: pos,
+ hi: pos + 1,
+ desc: format!("section names cannot contain \
+ a `[` character"),
+ });
+ continue
+ }
+ section.push_char(ch);
+ }
+ if section.len() == 0 {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: start,
+ hi: start + if array {3} else {1},
+ desc: format!("section name must not be empty"),
+ });
+ continue
+ } else if array && !self.expect(']') {
+ return None
+ }
+ let mut table = HashMap::new();
+ if !self.values(&mut table) { return None }
+ if array {
+ self.insert_array(&mut ret, section, Table(table), start)
+ } else {
+ self.insert_table(&mut ret, section, table, start)
+ }
+ }
+ Some(_) => {
+ if !self.values(&mut ret) { return None }
+ }
+ None if self.errors.len() == 0 => return Some(ret),
+ None => return None,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn values(&mut self, into: &mut Table) -> bool {
+ loop {
+ self.ws();
+ match self.cur.clone().next() {
+ Some((_, '#')) => self.comment(),
+ Some((_, '\n')) => { self.cur.next(); }
+ Some((_, '[')) => break,
+ Some((start, _)) => {
+ let mut key = String::new();
+ let mut found_eq = false;
+ for (pos, ch) in self.cur {
+ match ch {
+ ' ' | '\t' => break,
+ '=' => { found_eq = true; break }
+ '\n' => {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: start,
+ hi: pos + 1,
+ desc: format!("keys cannot be defined \
+ across lines"),
+ })
+ }
+ c => key.push_char(c),
+ }
+ }
+ if !found_eq {
+ self.ws();
+ if !self.expect('=') { return false }
+ }
+ let value = match self.value() {
+ Some(value) => value,
+ None => return false,
+ };
+ self.insert(into, key, value, start);
+ self.ws();
+ self.comment();
+ self.eat('\n');
+ }
+ None => break,
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ fn value(&mut self) -> Option<Value> {
+ self.ws();
+ match self.cur.clone().next() {
+ Some((pos, '"')) => self.string(pos),
+ Some((pos, 't')) |
+ Some((pos, 'f')) => self.boolean(pos),
+ Some((pos, '[')) => self.array(pos),
+ Some((pos, '-')) => self.number_or_datetime(pos),
+ Some((pos, ch)) if ch.is_digit() => self.number_or_datetime(pos),
+ _ => {
+ let mut it = self.cur.clone();
+ let lo = it.next().map(|p| p.val0()).unwrap_or(self.input.len());
+ let hi = it.next().map(|p| p.val0()).unwrap_or(self.input.len());
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: lo,
+ hi: hi,
+ desc: format!("expected a value"),
+ });
+ return None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn string(&mut self, start: uint) -> Option<Value> {
+ if !self.expect('"') { return None }
+ let mut ret = String::new();
+ loop {
+ match self.cur.next() {
+ Some((_, '"')) => break,
+ Some((pos, '\\')) => {
+ match escape(self, pos) {
+ Some(c) => ret.push_char(c),
+ None => {}
+ }
+ }
+ Some((pos, ch)) if ch < '\u001f' => {
+ let mut escaped = String::new();
+ ch.escape_default(|c| escaped.push_char(c));
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: pos,
+ hi: pos + 1,
+ desc: format!("control character `{}` must be escaped",
+ escaped)
+ });
+ }
+ Some((_, ch)) => ret.push_char(ch),
+ None => {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: start,
+ hi: self.input.len(),
+ desc: format!("unterminated string literal"),
+ });
+ return None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Some(String(ret));
+ fn escape(me: &mut Parser, pos: uint) -> Option<char> {
+ match me.cur.next() {
+ Some((_, 'b')) => Some('\u0008'),
+ Some((_, 't')) => Some('\u0009'),
+ Some((_, 'n')) => Some('\u000a'),
+ Some((_, 'f')) => Some('\u000c'),
+ Some((_, 'r')) => Some('\u000d'),
+ Some((_, '"')) => Some('\u0022'),
+ Some((_, '/')) => Some('\u002f'),
+ Some((_, '\\')) => Some('\u005c'),
+ Some((pos, 'u')) => {
+ let num = if me.input.is_char_boundary(pos + 5) {
+ me.input.slice(pos + 1, pos + 5)
+ } else {
+ "invalid"
+ };
+ match FromStrRadix::from_str_radix(num, 16) {
+ Some(n) => {
+ match char::from_u32(n) {
+ Some(c) => {
+ me.cur.next();
+ me.cur.next();
+ me.cur.next();
+ me.cur.next();
+ return Some(c)
+ }
+ None => {
+ me.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: pos + 1,
+ hi: pos + 5,
+ desc: format!("codepoint `{:x}` is \
+ not a valid unicode \
+ codepoint", n),
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ None => {
+ me.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: pos,
+ hi: pos + 1,
+ desc: format!("expected four hex digits \
+ after a `u` escape"),
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ Some((pos, ch)) => {
+ let mut escaped = String::new();
+ ch.escape_default(|c| escaped.push_char(c));
+ let next_pos = me.next_pos();
+ me.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: pos,
+ hi: next_pos,
+ desc: format!("unknown string escape: `{}`",
+ escaped),
+ });
+ None
+ }
+ None => {
+ me.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: pos,
+ hi: pos + 1,
+ desc: format!("unterminated escape sequence"),
+ });
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn number_or_datetime(&mut self, start: uint) -> Option<Value> {
+ let negative = self.eat('-');
+ let mut is_float = false;
+ loop {
+ match self.cur.clone().next() {
+ Some((_, ch)) if ch.is_digit() => { self.cur.next(); }
+ Some((_, '.')) if !is_float => {
+ is_float = true;
+ self.cur.next();
+ }
+ Some(_) | None => break,
+ }
+ }
+ let end = self.next_pos();
+ let ret = if is_float {
+ if self.input.char_at_reverse(end) == '.' {
+ None
+ } else {
+ from_str::<f64>(self.input.slice(start, end)).map(Float)
+ }
+ } else if !negative && self.eat('-') {
+ self.datetime(start, end + 1)
+ } else {
+ from_str::<i64>(self.input.slice(start, end)).map(Integer)
+ };
+ if ret.is_none() {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: start,
+ hi: end,
+ desc: format!("invalid numeric literal"),
+ });
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ fn boolean(&mut self, start: uint) -> Option<Value> {
+ let rest = self.input.slice_from(start);
+ if rest.starts_with("true") {
+ for _ in range(0, 4) {
+ self.cur.next();
+ }
+ Some(Boolean(true))
+ } else if rest.starts_with("false") {
+ for _ in range(0, 5) {
+ self.cur.next();
+ }
+ Some(Boolean(false))
+ } else {
+ let next = self.next_pos();
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: start,
+ hi: next,
+ desc: format!("unexpected character: `{}`",
+ rest.char_at(0)),
+ });
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ fn datetime(&mut self, start: uint, end_so_far: uint) -> Option<Value> {
+ let mut date = self.input.slice(start, end_so_far).to_string();
+ for _ in range(0, 15) {
+ match self.cur.next() {
+ Some((_, ch)) => date.push_char(ch),
+ None => {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: start,
+ hi: end_so_far,
+ desc: format!("malformed date literal"),
+ });
+ return None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut it = date.as_slice().chars();
+ let mut valid = true;
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c == '-').unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c == '-').unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c == 'T').unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c == ':').unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c == ':').unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c.is_digit()).unwrap_or(false);
+ valid = valid && it.next().map(|c| c == 'Z').unwrap_or(false);
+ if valid {
+ Some(Datetime(date.clone()))
+ } else {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: start,
+ hi: start + date.len(),
+ desc: format!("malformed date literal"),
+ });
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ fn array(&mut self, _start: uint) -> Option<Value> {
+ if !self.expect('[') { return None }
+ let mut ret = Vec::new();
+ fn consume(me: &mut Parser) {
+ loop {
+ me.ws();
+ match me.cur.clone().next() {
+ Some((_, '#')) => { me.comment(); }
+ Some((_, '\n')) => { me.cur.next(); }
+ _ => break,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut type_str = None;
+ loop {
+ // Break out early if we see the closing bracket
+ consume(self);
+ if self.eat(']') { return Some(Array(ret)) }
+ // Attempt to parse a value, triggering an error if it's the wrong
+ // type.
+ let start = self.next_pos();
+ let value = match self.value() {
+ Some(v) => v,
+ None => return None,
+ };
+ let end = self.next_pos();
+ let expected = type_str.unwrap_or(value.type_str());
+ if value.type_str() != expected {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: start,
+ hi: end,
+ desc: format!("expected type `{}`, found type `{}`",
+ expected, value.type_str()),
+ });
+ } else {
+ type_str = Some(expected);
+ ret.push(value);
+ }
+ // Look for a comma. If we don't find one we're done
+ consume(self);
+ if !self.eat(',') { break }
+ }
+ consume(self);
+ if !self.expect(']') { return None }
+ return Some(Array(ret))
+ }
+ fn insert(&mut self, into: &mut Table, key: String, value: Value,
+ key_lo: uint) {
+ if into.contains_key(&key) {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: key_lo,
+ hi: key_lo + key.len(),
+ desc: format!("duplicate key: `{}`", key),
+ })
+ } else {
+ into.insert(key, value);
+ }
+ }
+ fn recurse<'a>(&mut self, mut cur: &'a mut Table, orig_key: &'a str,
+ key_lo: uint) -> Option<(&'a mut Table, &'a str)> {
+ if orig_key.starts_with(".") || orig_key.ends_with(".") ||
+ orig_key.contains("..") {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: key_lo,
+ hi: key_lo + orig_key.len(),
+ desc: format!("tables cannot have empty names"),
+ });
+ return None
+ }
+ let key = match orig_key.rfind('.') {
+ Some(n) => orig_key.slice_to(n),
+ None => return Some((cur, orig_key)),
+ };
+ for part in key.as_slice().split('.') {
+ let part = part.to_string();
+ let tmp = cur;
+ if tmp.contains_key(&part) {
+ match *tmp.get_mut(&part) {
+ Table(ref mut table) => {
+ cur = table;
+ continue
+ }
+ Array(ref mut array) => {
+ match array.as_mut_slice().mut_last() {
+ Some(&Table(ref mut table)) => cur = table,
+ _ => {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: key_lo,
+ hi: key_lo + key.len(),
+ desc: format!("array `{}` does not contain \
+ tables", part)
+ });
+ return None
+ }
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ _ => {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: key_lo,
+ hi: key_lo + key.len(),
+ desc: format!("key `{}` was not previously a table",
+ part)
+ });
+ return None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Initialize an empty table as part of this sub-key
+ tmp.insert(part.clone(), Table(HashMap::new()));
+ match *tmp.get_mut(&part) {
+ Table(ref mut inner) => cur = inner,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ }
+ return Some((cur, orig_key.slice_from(key.len() + 1)))
+ }
+ fn insert_table(&mut self, into: &mut Table, key: String, value: Table,
+ key_lo: uint) {
+ if !self.tables_defined.insert(key.clone()) {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: key_lo,
+ hi: key_lo + key.len(),
+ desc: format!("redefinition of table `{}`", key),
+ });
+ return
+ }
+ let (into, key) = match self.recurse(into, key.as_slice(), key_lo) {
+ Some(pair) => pair,
+ None => return,
+ };
+ let key = key.to_string();
+ if !into.contains_key(&key) {
+ into.insert(key.clone(), Table(HashMap::new()));
+ }
+ match into.find_mut(&key) {
+ Some(&Table(ref mut table)) => {
+ for (k, v) in value.move_iter() {
+ if !table.insert(k.clone(), v) {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: key_lo,
+ hi: key_lo + key.len(),
+ desc: format!("duplicate key `{}` in table", k),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Some(_) => {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: key_lo,
+ hi: key_lo + key.len(),
+ desc: format!("duplicate key `{}` in table", key),
+ });
+ }
+ None => {}
+ }
+ }
+ fn insert_array(&mut self, into: &mut Table, key: String, value: Value,
+ key_lo: uint) {
+ let (into, key) = match self.recurse(into, key.as_slice(), key_lo) {
+ Some(pair) => pair,
+ None => return,
+ };
+ let key = key.to_string();
+ if !into.contains_key(&key) {
+ into.insert(key.clone(), Array(Vec::new()));
+ }
+ match *into.get_mut(&key) {
+ Array(ref mut vec) => {
+ match vec.as_slice().head() {
+ Some(ref v) if !v.same_type(&value) => {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: key_lo,
+ hi: key_lo + key.len(),
+ desc: format!("expected type `{}`, found type `{}`",
+ v.type_str(), value.type_str()),
+ })
+ }
+ Some(..) | None => {}
+ }
+ vec.push(value);
+ }
+ _ => {
+ self.errors.push(Error {
+ lo: key_lo,
+ hi: key_lo + key.len(),
+ desc: format!("key `{}` was previously not an array", key),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }