path: root/tests/serde.rs
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorLines
2017-07-06One more case of handling newtype structsAlex Crichton-0/+29
2017-07-06Support deserializing newtypesAlex Crichton-0/+16
2017-05-31Remove unused test macroAlan Du-4/+0
2017-04-24Allow to deserialize/serialize into enumsVincent Prouillet-0/+19
2017-04-20Support serde 1.0.0Alex Crichton-2/+2
2017-02-08Rewrite crate with serde support from ground upAlex Crichton-0/+496
2015-08-13Make serde-tests a standalone crateAlex Crichton-487/+0
2015-08-12Get serde feature compiling againErick Tryzelaar-1/+1
2015-04-20most tests work nowOliver Schneider-5/+16
2015-04-02wipAlex Crichton-0/+476