path: root/options.py
diff options
authorMelody Horn <melody@boringcactus.com>2021-01-29 01:10:56 -0700
committerMelody Horn <melody@boringcactus.com>2021-01-29 01:10:56 -0700
commit326cbf53a2cfa1c115523b9eb4837f629011a1f7 (patch)
tree58531cc0f849d4e146b71130734775b2af0c6041 /options.py
parentc81da475babdda24000488da62b33048d3239947 (diff)
pull code out into a python module
Diffstat (limited to 'options.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 313 deletions
diff --git a/options.py b/options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 016fbda..0000000
--- a/options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-import typing
-from tkinter import *
-from tkinter import ttk
-END_ROW = 2
-NEW_COL = 3
-class FFmpegOptions:
- def __init__(self, input, output, vf):
- self.input = input
- self.output = output
- self.vf = vf
- def output_with_vf(self):
- if len(self.vf) > 0:
- return self.output + ['-vf', ','.join(self.vf)]
- else:
- return self.output
-class Property:
- def __init__(self, parent, name, row, convert: typing.Callable = int):
- self.handlers = []
- ttk.Label(parent, text=name).grid(column=LABEL_COL, row=row, sticky=(E, W))
- self.orig = StringVar(parent, value="N/A")
- ttk.Label(parent, textvariable=self.orig).grid(column=ORIG_COL, row=row, sticky=(E, W))
- self.edit = BooleanVar(parent)
- self.edit_widget = ttk.Checkbutton(parent, variable=self.edit, command=self.handle_edit)
- self.edit_widget.grid(column=EDIT_BOX_COL, row=row, sticky=(E, W))
- self.new = ttk.Spinbox(parent, command=self.handle_change)
- self.new.state(['disabled'])
- self.new.grid(column=NEW_COL, row=row, sticky=(E, W))
- self.convert = convert
- self.disable()
- def disable(self):
- self.enable(False)
- def enable(self, enabled=True):
- if enabled:
- self.edit_widget.state(['!disabled'])
- else:
- self.edit.set(False)
- self.edit_widget.state(['disabled'])
- self.new.state(['disabled'])
- def is_enabled(self):
- return self.edit_widget.instate(['!disabled'])
- def is_edit(self):
- return self.edit.get()
- def set_orig(self, val):
- self.orig.set(str(val))
- def get_orig(self):
- return self.orig.get()
- def set_calc_new(self, val):
- if not self.is_edit():
- if self.convert(self.new['from']) > val:
- self.new.configure(from_=val)
- if self.convert(self.new['to']) < val:
- self.new.configure(to=val)
- self.new.set(val)
- def set_range(self, min, max):
- self.new.configure(from_=min, to=max)
- def get_final(self):
- if len(self.new.get()) == 0:
- return self.orig.get()
- return self.new.get()
- def handle_edit(self, *args):
- if self.edit.get():
- self.new.state(['!disabled'])
- else:
- self.new.state(['disabled'])
- self.handle_change(None)
- def on_change(self, callback):
- self.handlers.append(callback)
- def handle_change(self, *args):
- for handler in self.handlers:
- handler()
-class OptionsPanel(ttk.LabelFrame):
- """
- A Panel displaying ffmpeg options
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
- super(OptionsPanel, self).__init__(*args, text="Options", **kw)
- def place_header(text, **kwargs):
- ttk.Label(self, text=text, font='TkHeadingFont', justify='center', anchor='center'
- ).grid(sticky=(E, W), **kwargs)
- place_header("Field", column=LABEL_COL, row=HEADERS_ROW)
- place_header("Original Value", column=ORIG_COL, row=HEADERS_ROW)
- place_header("Edit?", column=EDIT_BOX_COL, row=HEADERS_ROW)
- place_header("New Value", column=NEW_COL, row=HEADERS_ROW)
- self.start_time = Property(self, "Start time (seconds)", START_ROW, float)
- self.start_time.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
- self.end_time = Property(self, "End time (seconds)", END_ROW, float)
- self.end_time.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
- self.duration = Property(self, "Duration (seconds)", DURATION_ROW, float)
- self.duration.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
- self.width = Property(self, "Width", WIDTH_ROW, int)
- self.width.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
- self.height = Property(self, "Height", HEIGHT_ROW, int)
- self.height.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
- self.framerate = Property(self, "Framerate", FRAMERATE_ROW, float)
- self.framerate.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
- self.crop_top = Property(self, "Crop Top", CROP_TOP_ROW, int)
- self.crop_top.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
- self.crop_bottom = Property(self, "Crop Bottom", CROP_BOTTOM_ROW, int)
- self.crop_bottom.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
- self.crop_left = Property(self, "Crop Left", CROP_LEFT_ROW, int)
- self.crop_left.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
- self.crop_right = Property(self, "Crop Right", CROP_RIGHT_ROW, int)
- self.crop_right.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
- for child in self.winfo_children():
- child.grid_configure(padx=2, pady=2)
- self.state(['disabled'])
- def enforce_constraints(self):
- self.start_time.enable()
- self.end_time.enable()
- self.duration.enable()
- orig_start = float(self.start_time.get_orig())
- orig_end = float(self.end_time.get_orig())
- orig_duration = float(self.duration.get_orig())
- if self.start_time.is_edit() and self.end_time.is_edit():
- new_start = float(self.start_time.get_final())
- new_end = float(self.end_time.get_final())
- new_duration = new_end - new_start
- self.start_time.set_range(orig_start, new_end)
- self.end_time.set_range(new_start, orig_end)
- self.duration.disable()
- self.duration.set_calc_new(new_duration)
- elif self.start_time.is_edit() and self.duration.is_edit():
- new_start = float(self.start_time.get_final())
- new_duration = float(self.duration.get_final())
- new_end = new_start + new_duration
- self.start_time.set_range(orig_start, orig_end - new_duration)
- self.duration.set_range(0, orig_end - new_start)
- self.end_time.disable()
- self.end_time.set_calc_new(new_end)
- elif self.end_time.is_edit() and self.duration.is_edit():
- new_end = float(self.end_time.get_final())
- new_duration = float(self.duration.get_final())
- new_start = new_end - new_duration
- self.end_time.set_range(orig_start + new_duration, orig_end)
- self.duration.set_range(0, new_end - orig_start)
- self.start_time.disable()
- self.start_time.set_calc_new(new_start)
- else:
- new_start = float(self.start_time.get_final())
- new_end = float(self.end_time.get_final())
- new_duration = new_end - new_start
- if self.duration.is_edit():
- new_duration = float(self.duration.get_final())
- new_end = new_start + new_duration
- self.start_time.set_range(orig_start, orig_end)
- self.end_time.set_range(orig_start, orig_end)
- self.duration.set_range(0, orig_duration)
- self.start_time.set_calc_new(new_start)
- self.end_time.set_calc_new(new_end)
- self.duration.set_calc_new(new_duration)
- if self.width.is_enabled() and self.height.is_enabled():
- orig_width = int(self.width.get_orig())
- orig_height = int(self.height.get_orig())
- new_width = int(self.width.get_final())
- new_height = int(self.height.get_final())
- self.width.set_range(1, 10 * orig_width)
- self.height.set_range(1, 10 * orig_height)
- self.width.set_calc_new(round(orig_width / orig_height * new_height))
- self.height.set_calc_new(round(orig_height / orig_width * new_width))
- self.crop_top.set_calc_new(0)
- self.crop_top.set_range(0, int(self.height.get_final()) - int(self.crop_bottom.get_final()))
- self.crop_bottom.set_calc_new(0)
- self.crop_bottom.set_range(0, int(self.height.get_final()) - int(self.crop_top.get_final()))
- self.crop_right.set_calc_new(0)
- self.crop_right.set_range(0, int(self.width.get_final()) - int(self.crop_left.get_final()))
- self.crop_left.set_calc_new(0)
- self.crop_left.set_range(0, int(self.width.get_final()) - int(self.crop_right.get_final()))
- if self.framerate.is_enabled():
- orig_framerate = float(self.framerate.get_orig())
- self.framerate.set_range(0, orig_framerate)
- self.framerate.set_calc_new(orig_framerate)
- def update_info(self, info):
- import fractions
- if info is None:
- self.state(['disabled'])
- for prop in [self.start_time, self.duration, self.end_time, self.width, self.height, self.framerate]:
- prop.disable()
- else:
- start_time = float(info['format']['start_time'])
- self.start_time.set_orig(start_time)
- duration = float(info['format']['duration'])
- self.duration.set_orig(duration)
- self.end_time.set_orig(start_time + duration)
- video_streams = [stream for stream in info['streams'] if
- stream['codec_type'] == 'video' and stream['avg_frame_rate'] != '0/0']
- if len(video_streams) > 0:
- video_stream = video_streams[0]
- self.width.enable()
- self.width.set_orig(video_stream['width'])
- self.height.enable()
- self.height.set_orig(video_stream['height'])
- self.crop_top.enable()
- self.crop_top.set_orig(0)
- self.crop_bottom.enable()
- self.crop_bottom.set_orig(0)
- self.crop_left.enable()
- self.crop_left.set_orig(0)
- self.crop_right.enable()
- self.crop_right.set_orig(0)
- framerate = round(float(fractions.Fraction(video_stream['avg_frame_rate'])), 3)
- self.framerate.enable()
- self.framerate.set_orig(framerate)
- else:
- self.width.disable()
- self.height.disable()
- self.framerate.disable()
- self.crop_top.disable()
- self.crop_bottom.disable()
- self.crop_left.disable()
- self.crop_right.disable()
- self.state(['!disabled'])
- self.enforce_constraints()
- def ffmpeg_opts(self):
- input_opts = []
- output_opts = []
- vf = []
- if self.start_time.is_edit():
- input_opts += ['-ss', str(self.start_time.get_final())]
- elif self.end_time.is_edit() and self.duration.is_edit():
- new_end = float(self.end_time.get_final())
- new_duration = float(self.duration.get_final())
- new_start = new_end - new_duration
- input_opts += ['-ss', str(new_start)]
- if self.end_time.is_edit():
- input_opts += ['-to', str(self.end_time.get_final())]
- if self.duration.is_edit():
- output_opts += ['-t', str(self.duration.get_final())]
- if self.width.is_edit() or self.height.is_edit():
- width = str(self.width.get_final())
- height = str(self.height.get_final())
- if not self.width.is_edit():
- width = "-1"
- if not self.height.is_edit():
- height = "-1"
- vf += ['scale=' + width + ':' + height]
- if self.crop_top.is_edit() or self.crop_bottom.is_edit() or \
- self.crop_left.is_edit() or self.crop_right.is_edit():
- out_w = int(self.width.get_final()) - int(self.crop_left.get_final()) - int(self.crop_right.get_final())
- out_h = int(self.height.get_final()) - int(self.crop_top.get_final()) - int(self.crop_bottom.get_final())
- vf += [f'crop={out_w}:{out_h}:{self.crop_left.get_final()}:{self.crop_top.get_final()}']
- if self.framerate.is_edit():
- output_opts += ['-r', str(self.framerate.get_final())]
- return FFmpegOptions(input_opts, output_opts, vf)
- def frame_count(self):
- return float(self.duration.get_final()) * float(self.framerate.get_final())