path: root/options.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'options.py')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/options.py b/options.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e93826f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/options.py
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+import wx
+END_ROW = 2
+NEW_COL = 3
+class Property:
+ def __init__(self, parent, name, *, label=None, orig=None, edit=None, new_class=None, new=None):
+ self.handlers = []
+ if label is None:
+ label = wx.StaticText(parent, label=name)
+ self.label = label
+ if orig is None:
+ orig = wx.StaticText(parent, label="N/A")
+ self.orig = orig
+ if edit is None:
+ edit = wx.CheckBox(parent)
+ edit.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.handle_edit)
+ self.edit = edit
+ if new is None:
+ if new_class is None:
+ new_class = wx.TextCtrl
+ new = new_class(parent)
+ new.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRLDOUBLE, self.handle_change)
+ new.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, self.handle_change)
+ new.Disable()
+ self.new = new
+ def add_to(self, sizer, row):
+ sizer.Add(self.label, wx.GBPosition(row, LABEL_COL))
+ sizer.Add(self.orig, wx.GBPosition(row, ORIG_COL))
+ sizer.Add(self.edit, wx.GBPosition(row, EDIT_BOX_COL))
+ sizer.Add(self.new, wx.GBPosition(row, NEW_COL), flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ def disable(self):
+ self.enable(False)
+ def enable(self, enabled=True):
+ if enabled:
+ self.edit.Enable()
+ else:
+ self.edit.SetValue(False)
+ self.edit.Disable()
+ self.new.Disable()
+ def is_edit(self):
+ return self.edit.GetValue()
+ def set_orig(self, val):
+ self.orig.SetLabel(str(val))
+ def get_orig(self):
+ return self.orig.GetLabel()
+ def set_calc_new(self, val):
+ if not self.is_edit():
+ if self.new.GetMin() > val:
+ self.new.SetMin(val)
+ if self.new.GetMax() < val:
+ self.new.SetMax(val)
+ self.new.SetValue(val)
+ def set_range(self, min, max):
+ self.new.SetRange(min, max)
+ def get_final(self):
+ if self.edit.GetValue():
+ return self.new.GetValue()
+ else:
+ return self.orig.GetLabel()
+ def handle_edit(self, _event):
+ self.new.Enable(self.edit.GetValue())
+ self.handle_change(None)
+ def on_change(self, callback):
+ self.handlers.append(callback)
+ def handle_change(self, _event):
+ for handler in self.handlers:
+ handler()
+class OptionsPanel(wx.Panel):
+ """
+ A Panel displaying ffmpeg options
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ super(OptionsPanel, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
+ root_sizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL, self, label="Options")
+ self.SetSizer(root_sizer)
+ main = wx.Panel(self)
+ root_sizer.Add(main, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND, border=5)
+ main_sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5)
+ main.SetSizer(main_sizer)
+ def make_header(text):
+ st = wx.StaticText(main, label=text, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL)
+ st.SetFont(st.GetFont().Bold())
+ return st
+ main_sizer.Add(make_header("Field"), wx.GBPosition(HEADERS_ROW, LABEL_COL), flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ main_sizer.Add(make_header("Original Value"), wx.GBPosition(HEADERS_ROW, ORIG_COL), flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ main_sizer.Add(make_header("Edit?"), wx.GBPosition(HEADERS_ROW, EDIT_BOX_COL), flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ main_sizer.Add(make_header("New Value"), wx.GBPosition(HEADERS_ROW, NEW_COL), flag=wx.EXPAND)
+ self.start_time = Property(main, "Start time (seconds)", new_class=wx.SpinCtrlDouble)
+ self.start_time.add_to(main_sizer, START_ROW)
+ self.start_time.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
+ self.end_time = Property(main, "End time (seconds)", new_class=wx.SpinCtrlDouble)
+ self.end_time.add_to(main_sizer, END_ROW)
+ self.end_time.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
+ self.duration = Property(main, "Duration (seconds)", new_class=wx.SpinCtrlDouble)
+ self.duration.add_to(main_sizer, DURATION_ROW)
+ self.duration.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
+ self.width = Property(main, "Width", new_class=wx.SpinCtrl)
+ self.width.add_to(main_sizer, WIDTH_ROW)
+ self.width.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
+ self.height = Property(main, "Height", new_class=wx.SpinCtrl)
+ self.height.add_to(main_sizer, HEIGHT_ROW)
+ self.height.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
+ self.framerate = Property(main, "Framerate", new_class=wx.SpinCtrlDouble)
+ self.framerate.add_to(main_sizer, FRAMERATE_ROW)
+ self.framerate.on_change(self.enforce_constraints)
+ self.Disable()
+ def enforce_constraints(self):
+ self.start_time.enable()
+ self.end_time.enable()
+ self.duration.enable()
+ orig_start = float(self.start_time.get_orig())
+ orig_end = float(self.end_time.get_orig())
+ orig_duration = float(self.duration.get_orig())
+ if self.start_time.is_edit() and self.end_time.is_edit():
+ new_start = float(self.start_time.get_final())
+ new_end = float(self.end_time.get_final())
+ new_duration = new_end - new_start
+ self.start_time.set_range(orig_start, new_end)
+ self.end_time.set_range(new_start, orig_end)
+ self.duration.disable()
+ self.duration.set_calc_new(new_duration)
+ elif self.start_time.is_edit() and self.duration.is_edit():
+ new_start = float(self.start_time.get_final())
+ new_duration = float(self.duration.get_final())
+ new_end = new_start + new_duration
+ self.start_time.set_range(orig_start, orig_end - new_duration)
+ self.duration.set_range(0, orig_end - new_start)
+ self.end_time.disable()
+ self.end_time.set_calc_new(new_end)
+ elif self.end_time.is_edit() and self.duration.is_edit():
+ new_end = float(self.end_time.get_final())
+ new_duration = float(self.duration.get_final())
+ new_start = new_end - new_duration
+ self.end_time.set_range(orig_start + new_duration, orig_end)
+ self.duration.set_range(0, new_end - orig_start)
+ self.start_time.disable()
+ self.start_time.set_calc_new(new_start)
+ else:
+ new_start = float(self.start_time.get_final())
+ new_end = float(self.end_time.get_final())
+ new_duration = new_end - new_start
+ if self.duration.is_edit():
+ new_duration = float(self.duration.get_final())
+ new_end = new_start + new_duration
+ self.start_time.set_range(orig_start, orig_end)
+ self.end_time.set_range(orig_start, orig_end)
+ self.duration.set_range(0, orig_duration)
+ self.start_time.set_calc_new(new_start)
+ self.end_time.set_calc_new(new_end)
+ self.duration.set_calc_new(new_duration)
+ orig_width = int(self.width.get_orig())
+ orig_height = int(self.height.get_orig())
+ new_width = int(self.width.get_final())
+ new_height = int(self.height.get_final())
+ self.width.set_range(1, 10 * orig_width)
+ self.height.set_range(1, 10 * orig_height)
+ self.width.set_calc_new(round(orig_width / orig_height * new_height))
+ self.height.set_calc_new(round(orig_height / orig_width * new_width))
+ orig_framerate = float(self.framerate.get_orig())
+ self.framerate.set_range(0, 10 * orig_framerate)
+ self.framerate.set_calc_new(orig_framerate)
+ def update(self, path, info):
+ import fractions
+ if info is None:
+ self.Disable()
+ else:
+ start_time = float(info['format']['start_time'])
+ self.start_time.set_orig(start_time)
+ duration = float(info['format']['duration'])
+ self.duration.set_orig(duration)
+ self.end_time.set_orig(start_time + duration)
+ video_stream = [stream for stream in info['streams'] if stream['codec_type'] == 'video'][0]
+ self.width.set_orig(video_stream['width'])
+ self.height.set_orig(video_stream['height'])
+ framerate = round(float(fractions.Fraction(video_stream['avg_frame_rate'])), 3)
+ self.framerate.set_orig(framerate)
+ self.Enable()
+ self.Layout()
+ self.enforce_constraints()